15 May 2008

why mrs. parker...

i finally finished watching "mrs. parker and the vicious circle," which i loved. the movie was a bit too long, but the scenes in which dorothy parker recites bits of her biting poetry to perfectly match a certain situation in her life, as well as the buzz of the 1920's literary circle and that unsatisfied, ever-present love between dorothy and mr. benchley, made it worthwhile. it made me go back and read some of my poetry books as i haven't read them before.

of course, my taste in poetry still veers towards the sarcastic and sharp-witted - the "up-yours" poetry that is e e cummings is my favorite, and has been for awhile, but after looking up and reading some of dorothy parker's verse, that may change. one of my favorites is a poem entitled "experience":

"Some men break your heart in two
Some men fawn and flatter
Some men never look at you;
And that cleans up the matter."

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